Ronald Gutiérrez
Partner - Costa Rica
Law degree from Universidad de Costa Rica. Master’s degree in Labor Law and Social Security from the UNED. Author of the undergraduate thesis titled: “Legal Viability for the implementation of Unique Salary in public institutions considering the experience of National Public Banks”.
He worked as legal assistant of the Law Department of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, and also served as legal assistant for the Executive Director’s Office of Instituto del Café de Costa Rica.
Notary Public with a specialization degree from Universidad Escuela Libre de Derecho (Cum Laude Graduate).
Ronald is a professor and coordinator at Universidad de Costa Rica’s Labour Law Program and has also coordinated the Labor Law Program for the Business Administration School at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica.
Ronald has also participated in several training courses on labor topics in connection with the public sector. He is a collaborator of elempleo.com section of La Nación newspaper.
He has worked for the Firm since 2008 and became partner in 2016. He is currently responsible for addressing all matters of the Firm in connection with Public and Collective Labor Law.
As partner, he assists major clients of the Public Sector both in the provision of legal advice and litigation services, which has earned him a great deal of respect from people involved with these institutions.